Thursday 21 June 2007

HELLO. I've been trying very hard to have the ACTUAL version of this blogskin on my blog... but it's just that this lame new blogger account can't accept it(: ugh... someone help me!!

I'm a bit sick today, a little diarrhoea... and a little wobblish legs... but I did try my hardest at training today! The cdiv tournaments are coming!! I'm so excited... but I don't really like our groupings for this year... that's cause we almost have all the pros in our grouping... but really, I think even if we were in the grouping where all the noobs are, I mean what's the point of going into the next round when you know you're actually in it by luck and not actually by skill? Those pro ones are just kicked out due to bad luck! The processes matter more than the results, that's what I believe! If we were to play and win but during the game we know we didn't do our best and made ALOT of mistakes, I guess that's even worse than losing and keeping to the game. That's just what happened to me! :DD heh heh no use winning when you find out at the end of the day you're the biggest LOSER! well, not the biggest, but at least even if you're a 'lil loser you're still a loser... ((:

I have the confidence that we have a chance to get into the second rounds. That is, unless we never EVER give up, which actually is quite hard because it's WE. the game is not only about me. I can really psycho myself never to give up, but i don't know about the others. They keep having the negative attitudes(: I'm the kind who usually fights till the end! Recently I've proven myself right and have superceded a couple of people I never knew I could! Like against the seniors, we won by a point. IMAGINE! seniors! We were losing initially, like 2-8 or something, but then we suddenly got spurred and we caught up with them! And at the crucial part, we had a tie with them with a score of 10-10 and in the end, WE WON! :DD hahahaa... I'll never forget this! And there was this time I ran faster than one of my seniors...:DD imagine me, the SLOW person who was faster than my senior!! She was actually leading, but towards the end I sprinted my best and won! Well, I wouldn't say WON, but it's a fact that I trained and ran daily so my vistory was indeed very nice(:

Recently I took up swimming (I know it's a bit late O.o) and I realised it made me see something! Life is actually like being in the water, if something or someone pushes you down, you'll just have to try your best to get up yourself. The process may be difficult but the thing is, you can choose to stay at the bottom and suffocate, but it's much better when you go up for the air! Sometimes people just need the set-backs to take them higher, to push them to want to suceed. I've seen many examples of such persons and I must say, I'm quite impressed! (Well, it's no doubt I'm one too!)

Today coach was saying that the real pros train in secret and when the time comes they show their REAL potential and skill! I want to be like that, to show my real potential when the time comes and impress everyone, but of course I want to be good always! Everyone has a chance to win, and this chance is only awarded to those who want it more.

I always believe EVERYONE has a chance to win. No matter if we're playing with noobs or we're playing with pros, we ALL have the chance to win.

Today I feel more motivated than normal! ((: I hope this feeling stays!

I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.(:

1 comment:

Womblygrumps said...
